Friday, March 28, 2008

prints and princesses

daruma monkey!..."sometimes even my dreams and wishes are screwy"...successfully adopted just another surreal night in ballard...this time at sev shoon arts center where i am a renting printmaker. we just had out annual auction to raise funds for the keep it open and running so that weirdos like me can make not one piece of art...but dozens with ease to populate the city with. not to mention the ink under my fingernails and not quite washed off my paws as i make that seattle roll for ya. don't worry, no extra calories in ink!

i was lucky enough to win over 2 patrons for the show with my lost puppy dog eyes...patrons who shelled out the big bucks to get a print of their choice, free booze, and getting me in a dress. thanks to m-chan for helping me dress myself. just call me the studio slut. ...ok. ok. vixen and sexy were a few of the comments i received right after the wow!...i didn't recgonize you!!! and then i got some laughs out of them from not staying in that short red chinese dress very long and jumping back into my "sev shoon clothes" [as owner dionne put it]. the best part is that i'm not alone...this quick change into comfy jeans and a t-shirt from being all dolled up is a printmakers secret ability. apparently i've found my long lost clan here in ballard.

neighbor gal peg [collector of] who came with bike master dale, was witness to a very elated patron who picked my buddha monkey print. i eventually went over and introduced myself and to say thank you. shit. someone got excited over my art! so the new parent is this architect that lives right down the street from me. he said that not only did he like the print because he's a practicing buddhist [and apparently my image wasn't offensive]...but the title caught his attention. i named it "amarebebeeniswaswere". he spouted off the one he learned from 4th grade also. even though it's basically the same words but in a different order plus 3 others i wouldn't be able to tell you even if a carmel pecan sundae was involved. it was just really strange that someone else remembered a string of grammer from the 4th grade and flattering to me that he liked my art. almost as good as seeing heather squeal and jump like a real live anime character when i gave her herself as naruto for her birthday. and then i talked shit about arizona because its so hot with luna's patrons who were from ahwatuke. [luna constructed this bad ass chandelier out of copper with etchings on it and then printed one of the panels to be included in the auction!] paul, my newest fishbowl fan invited me to go down to voltaire's with them all...but in the end i didn't go since i hadn't brought my wallet. [not to mention forgetting my keys again] i would have to had to shove that in my panties. the wallet that is. free show if i actually had gotten carded.

and get this. ok. i move to seattle and for a job at blue c where i eventually i end up working in the center of the universe [fremont] to find i'm not the only female japanese sushi chef around. not only that but this other girl [younger] has crazy colored hair like i usually do. and not only that but we have the same unique bad ass birthday. pearl harbor day [december 7th]. imagine that. the list there goes on and on with that new friend. but make a new column right next door for yoshi, the other [again younger] japanese american printmaker at sev shoon. not only that but she lives in a basement as well on the exact opposite side of the street! no shit. she's 3 doors down on the opposite side of the street on the other side of a main arterial. kinda like a mirror image. that's too weird. and also was born on one of the best days a japanese could be born on...aside from pearl harbor day and the day that out government decided to put all 10 thou+ americans of japanese descent in concentration camps right here in the good ole us of a. i'm talking about when the u.s. bombed hiroshima [august 6th]. two japanese american printmaking girls. one born on the day japan dropped a bunch of little bombs...and the other on the day of retaliation when the americans dropped one big fat bomb. this really is getting eerie. and i'm no longer so unique.

but here's something not so surreal and serious. at least not yet. i made a new printmaking work buddy [michelle] who does these beautiful bird prints and gets down to the studio just as much as i do. so we're going to try to coordinate some time to not be in the studio working. i'm actually excited. i made a new friend.

this auction was an awesome experience. not only did i get my art shown to some new eyes and new homes...but i learned that sev shoon is full of really interesting and nice quirky people. i don't even know if i fit in here either since being there makes me not the weirdest person in the room. that's not slowing me down a bit though as my ass is so there! unbeknownst to her, the studio manager was inadvertently distracting me all night. so sev shoon soon!!!

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